Monday, October 8, 2012

Being an entrepreneur is a solution.

The necessities of life are very high in Indonesia requires creativity and courage to come out of all the economic problems that press. Why is that? While college graduates are hoping that the diplomas were able to help him to get a job, but it seems very little opportunity for employment that offered very terbatas.Yang occurs, the number of unemployed in Indonesia from year to year is still relatively high, although the Indonesian government has claimed that the number of unemployed has menurun.Dan makes sad when he saw nearly half of the unemployed are unemployed educated college graduates. How long will this problem be solved?

Should this issue be solved if every college graduates have entrepreneurial spirit. Unfortunately, most of the scholars we'd like to be the payday. Although the payday certainly be earning. But the problems do not stop when already working and have income, chances are the problem will continue as the income received is not able to meet the needs of even the most basic needs.

To be a true entrepreneur, the main capital that we must have is a dream and the courage. It is not absolutely necessary to have a lot of money to be an entrepreneur. This is because of how much money we have to start a business without having dreams and courage, we will not become a true entrepreneur perhaps our efforts will not be developed. All accomplishments achieved by the successful people started from dreams, and courage through all kinds of obstacles to achieving those dreams. Therefore people who succeed are those who have managed to achieve what he had dreamed in the past with courage to work hard and work smart.
The dream is not just a mere desire, but something more than that. The dream is something we must achieve no matter how hard the road to get there. With our dreams remain alive in our subconscious, we can keep going to face all the obstacles that stood in its path toward our purpose in life.
Courage is also very important to dream. Dream without courage to achieve the same with just a pipe dream or a mere desire. With courage we can solve all our problems when there are obstacles. Courage in this regard is our courage to start a business / become entrepreneurs even without capital, the courage to face the uncertainties of income, courage in taking opportunities and the courage to start a business as soon as possible so that we can immediately action.


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