Thursday, October 25, 2012

List of Presidents of Indonesia

Sukarno, born Kusno Sosrodihardjo (6 June 1901 – 21 June 1970) was the first President of Indonesia.
Sukarno was the leader of his country's struggle for independence from the Netherlands and was Indonesia's first President from 1945 to 1967. He was replaced by one of his generals, Suharto (see Transition to the New Order), and remained under house arrest until his death.

Suharto (8 June 1921 – 27 January 2008) was the second President of Indonesia, having held the office for 31 years from 1967 following Sukarno's removal until his resignation in 1998. Suharto was born in a small village, Kemusuk, in the Godean area near Yogyakarta, during the Dutch colonial era. He grew up in humble circumstances. His Javanese peasant parents divorced not long after his birth, and he was passed between foster parents for much of his childhood. During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia, Suharto served in Japanese-organised Indonesian security forces. Indonesia's independence struggle saw him joining the newly formed Indonesian army. Suharto rose to the rank of Major General following Indonesian independence. An attempted coup on 30 September 1965 was countered by Suharto-led troops and was blamed on the Indonesian Communist Party. The army subsequently led an anti-communist purge, and Suharto wrested power from Indonesia's founding president, Sukarno. He was appointed acting president in 1967 and President the following year. Support for Suharto's presidency was strong throughout the 1970s and 1980s but eroded following a severe financial crisis that led to widespread unrest and his resignation in May 1998. Suharto died in 2008.

Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (born 25 June 1936), also known B. J. Habibie, is a former politician of the State of Indonesia. His presidency (1998–1999) was the third and that of the shortest duration after independence. Habibie was born in Parepare, South Sulawesi Province to Abdul Jalil Habibie and R. A. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. His father was an agriculturist from Gorontalo and his mother was a Javanese noblewoman from Yogyakarta. His parents met while studying in Bogor. When he was 14 years old, Habibie's father died.

Abdurrahman Wahid, born Abdurrahman Addakhil (7 September 1940 – 30 December 2009), colloquially known as  Gus Dur , was an Indonesian Muslim religious and political leader who served as the President of Indonesia from 1999 to 2001. The long-time president of the Nahdlatul Ulama and the founder of the National Awakening Party (PKB), Wahid was the first elected president of Indonesia after the resignation of Suharto in 1998.
Like many Indonesian names, "Abdurrahman Wahid" does not contain a family name. The name "Wahid" is patronymic. His popular nickname Gus Dur, is derived from Gus, a common honorific for a son of kyai, from short-form of bagus ('handsome lad' in Javanese language[3]); and Dur, short-form of his name, Abdurrahman.

Diah Permata Megawati Setiawati Sukarnoputri ( born 23 January 1947), also known simply as Megawati, is an Indonesian politician, and leader of the opposition party PDI-P. She served as the President of Indonesia from 23 July 2001 to 20 October 2004. She was the country's first female President, and the fourth woman to lead a predominantly Muslim nation. She is also the first Indonesian leader to be born after independence. Megawati is the daughter of Indonesia's first president, Sukarno.
After serving as Vice-President under Abdurrahman Wahid, Megawati became President when Wahid was removed from office in 2001. She ran for re-election in the 2004 presidential election but was defeated by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. She sought a rematch 2009 presidential election, losing again to Yudhoyono.

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (born 9 September 1949) is an Indonesian politician and retired Army general officer who has been President of Indonesia since 2004.
Yudhoyono won the 2004 presidential election, defeating incumbent President Megawati Sukarnoputri. Widely known in Indonesia by his initials "SBY", he was sworn into office on 20 October 2004, together with Jusuf Kalla as Vice President. He ran for re-election in 2009 with Boediono as his running mate, and won with an outright majority of the votes in the first round of balloting; he was sworn in for a second term on 20 October 2009.
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Friday, October 19, 2012

The two largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia

MuhammadiyahOn November 18, 1912, Ahmad Dahlan— a court official of the kraton of Yogyakarta[2] and an educated Muslim scholar from Mecca—established Muhammadiyah in Yogyakarta. There were a number of motives behind the establishment of this movement. Among the important ones are the backwardness of Muslim society and the penetration of Christianity. Ahmad Dahlan, much influenced by Egyptian reformist Muhammad 'Abduh, considered modernization and purification of religion from syncretic practices were very vital in reforming this religion. Therefore, since its beginning Muhammadiyah has been very concerned with maintaining tawhid, and refining monotheism in society.
As The leading national "modernist" social organization, Muhammadiyah, has branches throughout the country and approximately 30 million followers.  Muhammadiyah runs mosques, prayer houses, clinics, orphanages, poorhouses, schools, public libraries, and universities. On February 9, Muhammadiyah's central board and provincial chiefs agreed to endorse the presidential campaign of a former Muhammadiyah chairman. This marked the organization's first formal foray into partisan politics and generated controversy among members.
Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)
The NU was established on January 31, 1926 as a reaction to the modernist Muhammadiyah organization. In 1965, the group took sides with the General Suharto-led army and was heavily involved in the mass killings of Indonesian communists. However, the NU later began to oppose Suharto's regime. In 1984, Abdurrahman Wahid, the grandson of NU founder Hasyim Asy'ari, inherited the leadership from his father, and was later elected President of Indonesia in 1999. He formally apologized for NU's involvement in the events of 1965. He also stated that "Nadhatul Ulama (NU) is like Shiite minus Imamah; similarly Shiite is NU plus Imamah." There have been too many similarities between the two, such as the position and role of kyai. The main contrast between them is that in NU, the concept is visible in the form of accepted culture, while in Shia, it takes the form of theology.[1]
as the largest "traditionalist" social organization, focuses on many of the same activities as Muhammadiyah and indirectly operates a majority of the country's Islamic boarding schools. Claiming approximately 40 million followers, NU is the country's largest organization and perhaps the world's largest Islamic group. Founded in 1926, NU has a nationwide presence but remains strongest in rural Java. The Islam of many NU followers has heavy infusions of Javanese culture, and followers tend to reject a literal or dogmatic interpretation of Islamic doctrine. Many NU followers give great deference to the views, interpretations, and instructions of senior NU religious figures, alternately called "Kyais" or "Ulama." The organization has long advocated religious moderation and communal harmony.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Palu city of Central Sulawesi Indonesia

About Place of Interest around Palu City
There are some friends who had visited in the city of Palu ask me 'Where sights around Palu? ". As someone who has long lived in the city of Palu I have to answer that question. Although not everyone who lives in the city of Palu know anywhere sights around the city of Palu. Here are some places that can be a place that is close to the city traveled Palu.
1. Tanjung Karang
Tanjung karang is one of the coastal attractions are located about 38 km to the northwest of the city of Palu. Here we can enjoy the atmosphere of white sand beach with a beautiful underwater scenery. Diving is a favorite of tourists who come to this place.
2. Pusentasi (Center of the sea)
Pusentasi is also one of the attractions beach which is located about 15 km to the southwest Tanjung Karang, or 46 km from the city of Palu. The white sand beaches adorn all. One thing that is very unique in this place is the presence of large holes or wells or can be called a natural pond that is located just a few meters from the beach. Because of its location by the sea so that people around this place called Center of The Sea.
3. Tumbelaka.
Like the two above attractions, Tumbelaka also an attraction beach. It is very close to the city of Palu, only about 7 Km from the city center. Swim and eat lunch with the family at the beach is a favorite activity of those who came to this place.
4. Hot Water  Mantikole.
Unlike the three attractions discussed above, Mantikole Thermal Baths offers nature tourism cool mountain foot and several hot tubs. . It is located about 27 km south of the city towards the hammer.
5. Hot Water Bora.
Similar with Mantikole, in Bora also offers attractions hot water and mountain scenery. It is located in the south-east of Palu, with a distance of about 20 km.
6. Fishing Pond Dolo.
The main activities in this course is freshwater fishing. It is located about 15 km to the south-east of Palu City
7. Taman Ria Beach.
Its location is to the west of Palu. Many traditional stalls around the beach to be one of the characteristics of this place.
8. Talise beach
The beach is located in the center of the hammer is a favorite every holiday, especially in the morning. Enjoy the beauty of the bay Palu, exercise, a favorite activity of people who come to Palu this place.
9. Labuan beach
Located about 30 km to the north of the city of Palu, the beach is probably still many who do not know his whereabouts. Not inferior to other beaches, this beach offers beautiful beaches as many tumbuhi shady coconut trees. It is suitable for family recreation.

For those of you who want to fill vacation to the city of Palu, the sights mentioned above can be your choice and Family.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Some preparations before traveling

Most of people forget at least one thing when they prepare a travel. This may be keys, a toothbrush, a watch, even a child! Anyway, there is a helpful way for how to prepare a travel without forgetting anything

It seems unbelievable, but it occurs often that small children are found alone in airports, looking for their mum or dad. Then, the speaker calls the parent from the loudspeaker to come to the office to retrieve their progeny during a travel.

The secret is to create a list of the travel tasks many days before a travel. Inside, will be written all the objects needed from the essential to the less important. Doing so is a secure mean to have an enjoyable travel.

Consider visiting a travel clinic prior to departure. Travel clinics can provide specialized immunizations and prescriptions for medications, as well as providing essential advice about how to prevent or treat illness abroad.

Learn about the availability and quality of health care available at your destination.

Know how to obtain the names of qualified, English-speaking doctors and which facilities provide the best care at their destination.

Purchase a travel health policy that directly pays doctors and hospitals abroad and that also coordinates and pays for emergency medical evacuation.

Carry standby antibiotics to treat travelers’ diarrhea, and bring at least a basic first aid kit.

Have available copies of key portions of your medical records (e.g., a recent ECG) and a list of their medications, if health problems are a concern.

See a physician immediately if a fever develops during a trip to the tropics or soon after your return. Malaria is a medical emergency you may need to consider.

Yet you are aware of what to do when you prepare a travel, so that you may carry every helpful article for delighting in this enjoyable trip. Among these imperative things are: ticket, passport, credit card, traveler’s checks, toothbrush, garment , sunglasses…

Monday, October 8, 2012

Being an entrepreneur is a solution.

The necessities of life are very high in Indonesia requires creativity and courage to come out of all the economic problems that press. Why is that? While college graduates are hoping that the diplomas were able to help him to get a job, but it seems very little opportunity for employment that offered very terbatas.Yang occurs, the number of unemployed in Indonesia from year to year is still relatively high, although the Indonesian government has claimed that the number of unemployed has menurun.Dan makes sad when he saw nearly half of the unemployed are unemployed educated college graduates. How long will this problem be solved?

Should this issue be solved if every college graduates have entrepreneurial spirit. Unfortunately, most of the scholars we'd like to be the payday. Although the payday certainly be earning. But the problems do not stop when already working and have income, chances are the problem will continue as the income received is not able to meet the needs of even the most basic needs.

To be a true entrepreneur, the main capital that we must have is a dream and the courage. It is not absolutely necessary to have a lot of money to be an entrepreneur. This is because of how much money we have to start a business without having dreams and courage, we will not become a true entrepreneur perhaps our efforts will not be developed. All accomplishments achieved by the successful people started from dreams, and courage through all kinds of obstacles to achieving those dreams. Therefore people who succeed are those who have managed to achieve what he had dreamed in the past with courage to work hard and work smart.
The dream is not just a mere desire, but something more than that. The dream is something we must achieve no matter how hard the road to get there. With our dreams remain alive in our subconscious, we can keep going to face all the obstacles that stood in its path toward our purpose in life.
Courage is also very important to dream. Dream without courage to achieve the same with just a pipe dream or a mere desire. With courage we can solve all our problems when there are obstacles. Courage in this regard is our courage to start a business / become entrepreneurs even without capital, the courage to face the uncertainties of income, courage in taking opportunities and the courage to start a business as soon as possible so that we can immediately action.